Monday, February 28, 2011

Food For Thought

Our dogs add so much to our lives and we want to make sure and feed them the healthiest food possible, but with all the choices out there- how do you know which food is best?

No food is best for every dog- they are individuals just like people, you could feed a brand of very good food to a group of dogs and find that most of them do great on it, some not as well, and it may upset some of their tummies.

Here are some things to consider when picking a dog food:

1.Consider your dog's stage of life- When it comes to nutrition, one size does not fit all
A puppy eating an adult food will not get the higher amounts of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals he needs for proper growth. An adult dog eating puppy food is likely to become overweight. An older dog may need a senior food that is more easily digested.

2.Select a food type  Look at the ingredients

High-quality ingredients are essential for a healthy food. Some economy brands of dog food are made from inexpensive ingredients that are not easily digested, and therefore, do not provide the best nutrition. While they may technically meet the legal specifications for percentages of protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc., these foods have lower energy values and lower-grade proteins. Because of this, many health-building nutrients may pass right through your dog's system without being absorbed. One rule of thumb to go on is to never buy dog food that you can get from a regular grocery store.

Looking at the list of ingredients on the back of the bag is a good place to start. Pet labels (by law) must list their ingredients by weight. Look for meat, fish, egg, or some type of meat meal or fish meal as the first or second ingredient. These all all have a high biological value, which means they have a high percentage of protein in the form of digestible, usable amino acids.

3.Compare the Guaranteed Analysis 

The “Guaranteed Analysis” is a chart that lists the percentages of various ingredients contained in that food. However, the numbers given in the Guaranteed Analysis are on an "as fed" basis and do not take into account the amount of moisture in that food. All pet foods have different levels of moisture; canned foods can have up to 80%, and dry foods can have as little as 6%. To determine the actual amount of an ingredient in a food, or to compare between brands or between wet and dry foods, the numbers need to be converted to what is called Dry Matter (DM) basis.

Rate your dog food here- 

Some have already been rated, and you may surprised with the results! 

4. Take your time in switching foods- Make sure the transition is gradual
Once you pick out your new food, make sure you allow ample time for your dog to make the transition from his current food to the new one. A sudden change in food makes it harder for food to be digested which can lead to upset tummies. To avoid this, switch to a new food slowly, over the course of at least 7-10 days. Start by mixing 25% new and 75% old food, and feed that for at least 3 days. If all goes well, go to 50% of each type of food for 3 days, then 75% new and 25% old for 3 days. By now, they should be ready to eat only the new food.