Friday, March 11, 2011

Doggie Communication

Those of  who love dogs want to understand how they communicate with each other. Sometimes the signs can be confusing…especially with there are signs such as growls mixed with tail wags! Here are some ways that canines communicate:

Information taken from Amy Shojai and Paw  

Barking is used during play and defense -- and to get attention. Barks signal conflicted feelings -- "I like you, but I'm not sure," or "I want to play, but I shouldn't." Barking also serves as a canine alarm to alert the dog's family/pack of anything unusual -- a sound, trespassing squirrel or your wearing a hat. So keep that in mind next time you are picking up your four legged friend from daycare/boarding. Instead of one dog barking a “warning” for the knock on the door- everyone gets to get in on the fun!

Everyone at Dogtown gets excited when a visitor comes to the door!

Whines, whimpers and yelps are nonthreatening communication. These sounds telegraph fear, pain, submission and sometimes frustration. Dogs also whine and whimper to beg attention or treats from humans.

Growls are closed-lipped warnings to keep your distance, and can be soft or loud. Growls are defensive or offensive depending on whether the dog is frightened or hostile. Growls are also used during play, which can be confusing, though looking at other dog body language can help you know that the growls aren't real.

Snarls are growls with teeth displayed and threaten attack.

Howls can express loneliness and are used to call the family together. Dogs also howl in response to sound. One of my dogs triggers a howl every time my cell phone rings!

Body positions can indicate status. Confident dogs stand with erect posture, nearly on tiptoe to impress other dogs. Aggressive dogs lean forward, while fearful dogs lean backward. 

Fluffing the fur along the ridge of his back -- the hackles -- makes a dog look bigger and more impressive. We call these Mohaks! Dogs that are feeling fearful/aggressive raise their hackles.

Ears position indicates mood. When held high and facing forward, the dog is interested or alert. The ears flatten against the head by degrees depending on how fearful or submissive the dog feels.

Chuck looks like he is using his ears to try to fly!

Eyes convey intent. Droopy eyelids indicate pleasure, while alert dogs hold eyes wide open. An unblinking stare is a challenge, while averting the eyes shows canine submission. The pupils of a dog's eyes indicate aggression and imminent attack when they suddenly dilate.

Mouths hide or reveal teeth to communicate. Lifting lips vertically to show the canines -- fang teeth -- is a threat that indicates aggression, defense or fear. Lips pulled back horizontally to show more teeth is a submissive grin used to diffuse threat. A flicking tongue signals intent to lick -- an appeasement gesture if aimed at the face. The relaxed, happy dog's mouth is held half open with lolling tongue.

Tails beckon you closer or warn away. A relaxed tail curves down and back up in a gentle U, and increased interest makes the tail go higher. Dominant and confident dogs hold their tails high, and wag rapidly in tight, sharp arcs. A low-held tail indicates submission, and dogs show deference by wagging in loose, wide, low arcs that often include hip wags. A tail tucked between the legs signals submission and fear and is the doggie equivalent of hiding his face, since it prevents butt sniffing from other dogs.

Urine marking is used by both male and female dogs. It takes very little urine to send a pee-mail. Even when he runs out of urine, a dog may continue to lift his leg as a visual signal to any dogs watching.

 What are these dogs communicating? My guess is...throw the ball please!

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